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Comparing iPhone 6s and iPhone 8 Specs, Design and Performance

Comparing iPhone 6s and iPhone 8 Specs, Design and Performance

Apple releases newer iPhones every year, but some are just pretty much the same, with few design upgrades. If you want to buy the iPhone 8 and you're wondering if it's worth the price and if it really is a major upgrade from the 6s, keep on reading. Comparing iPhone 8 and iPhone 6s: Breakdown of D...
Refurbished Apple iPads – Why you should buy one?

Refurbished Apple iPads – Why you should buy one?

You'll be forgiven for being sceptical about buying a pre-owned machine, especially a consumer gadget, from anyone. The risks are often not commensurate with the rewards, and we have heard many stories of the biggest bargain deals going bust. Despite their performances, the prices for new iPads can ...